Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Geraldine Ferraro's Big Mouth

Old time feminist are having a hard time with Obama. I really don't believe they are racist, but I think they view politics and conflicts through a prism of sexism. It distorts everything for them.

Her argument is wrong for a number of reasons:

1) Every candidate is who they are in part due to what they are
2) You could fairly say Hillary is where she is due in a large part to her marriage (which in part is due to being a woman).
3) Her statement gives Obama no credit for who he is. Apparently he has done nothing for the past few months but people are voting for him anyways.
4) Hillary's failure to win the nomination at this point is apparently not due to anything she has done or how she has managed her campaign.

I have more reasons to disagree with her, but you get the point. It is sad.

True Conservative Values

As one who has been getting tired of the news obsession with the Spitzer story, I've been trying to figure out why this is such a big deal.

So my list:

1) It effects New York and the media thinks that anything that effects New York must be of interest to everyone.

2) We do love to see the mighty fall.

3) Spitzer's history of prosecuting prostitution makes this a Greek tragedy. That just adds to the delight of #2

4) Spitzer's enemies are going to scream for his head since he is vulnerable. Outraged talking heads give the 24 hour news shows something to air.

5) This plays into our preconceived notions for Democrats vs. Republicans. Republicans are just better with money. None of the Republican recent sexcapes have involved $5,000 call girls. Vitter hired prostitutes, but at a lower number. And Larry Craig just trolled the bathrooms looking for a free hookup. How can we trust Democrats with our hard earned tax dollars if they are so willing to overspend for illicit sex?

In other words, Republicans know how to get for more bang for the buck.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Obama as a blank slate

What Obama just ran into yesterday was the reaction to being a "blank slate".

People have been defining Obama as what they want. He admits that people put their hopes and dreams onto him since they just assumed he believed what they believed. He hadn't defined himself clearly enough. That worked to build his campaign.

So still being a relative unknown to many voters, this go around Clinton was able to start to define him negatively.

Clinton was able to get into voters heads that Obama may not be what they hoped.

If you start having doubts about an unknown, it is hard to vote for him.

Was it dirty? Might it hurt the Democratic Party this November? Yes to both questions, but it saved Clinton's campaign.

Obama can comeback from this easily enough. He has to start defining himself to voters and he will have to answer the charges. So that means he will have to find forums that allow him to explain his relationship to Rezko and the house/land deal. He will need to keep renouncing and denouncing Farrakhan. He will need to show his knowledge of foreign affairs. He will have to keep stressing judgement versus experience.

It will be interesting to see if Clinton stays negative or decides to change direction for a while at least. I think she would be foolish to not go negative again if she needs to.

And only be doing a better job of defining himself can Obama blunt that attack.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sympathy for Republicans

After numerous conversations with a variety of Republicans, I've reached the conclusion that there are a lot of miserable GOP'ers out there and I feel bad for them.

These people do not seem to share the sunny optimism of the Gipper or the can-do enthusiasm of the recently deceased Bill Buckley.

These people are just wimps.

They are scared of immigrants in general, and Mexicans in particular, Muslims, evolution, liberals, China, environmentalists, taxes (but not deficits), gays, socialists, blacks, Asians and intelligent discourse.

No wonder they always seem so angry. That's a lot of fear to put up with on a daily basis.