Friday, February 1, 2008

Right wing off the deep end

I've always been amazed at the coordination of the right wing noise machine's message. And right now the meme they are pushing is McCain is so terrible,they would rather see the democrats get the White House and be responsible for the resulting carnage so the conservatives can ride back into DC on their white horses in 2012. That seems to be the united message of Rush, Sean, Ann, NRO and such. Though I believe there are some on the right who are not yet prepared to go along with that strategy. They have hope that Romney can still win or at least force a brokered convention.

I wonder what all of the reasons are for such a strategy. I can think of afew:

1) Rush, Fox News and such are seeing their ratings drop and figure that ratings would jump with a democrat in office they could attack.

2) They are seeing a base audience that is disillusioned after Bush. The right wing noise machine has had to "rally around our guy" a number of times over the past 7 years and they are losing their audience because they've had to go against their past "principles". With a liberal in office (hence why they like to label McCain as a liberal), they can go back to their tried and true formulas.

3) Access to power. McCain doesn't listen to them. He seems to think Tim Russert is more important to talk to then Rush. These guys want access for several reasons, and don't like being shut out.

4) Some might actually sincerely believe... Who am I kidding? It's always about power and money.

5) #4 might be too cynical. Some might have been reading from the right wing talking points for so long they have become fanatics. Think of them as being like the 14 year old boy in Pakistan who has only gone to school at a radical madrasah. That boy believes the lessons he has been told to such a level that blowing himself up for the cause seems reasonable.

Rush and his ilk now think that any compromise of their positions is treasonist. Yesterday I listen to Rush condemn McCain because he reached has reached across the aisle in order to get things done. That's how our government is supposed to work!!!

In their quest for purity, they are demonizing any who stray. This explains their contempt for Congress since a legislative body can only work through compromise. This also explains their love of a strong and growing stonger executive branch.

I don't consider these pundits to truly be conservatives. Conservatives value the Constitution and do not seek to undermine it. They value the wisdom of the Founders. They understand the value of checks and balances and the need for compromise.

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