Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Value of endorsements

I heard that John Glenn endorsed Hillary Clinton, and I realized that I didn't care. It didn't have an impact one way or another on me. I like John Glenn. He is a true American hero several times over, but I believe that endorsements just don't seem to help Clinton as much as they do Obama.

Now, I don't think most voters tie their voting decisions to one person's endorsement, no matter how high profile. But Obama is still such an unknown to most voters that an endorsement gives voters more confidence that there is something really there.

Obama gets people's attention. He is such a gifted speaker, and his post-racial, post-partisan message is exciting, but some voters doubt what he can really do if elected. He doesn't have a track record of actual accomplishment, so an endorsement can add some substance to the concept that is Obama.

We know who Clinton is or who McCain is, so an endorsement from some pillar of their party just doesn't carry that much weight. I guess you can view their need for gathering endorsements as a rearguard action.

Hillary needs Glenn's endorsement so Barack doesn't get it, but that is about it.

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