Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Romney's Less than Super Tuesday

I've been reading The Corner this morning. There are a number of anti-McCain conservatives that post there so I wanted to learn how they viewed Super Tuesday.

I find it interesting that a number of them have decided that southern conservatives can't vote for a Mormon. None of the posts I read had any data to support that but they seem to think that was the only reason someone could vote for McCain or Huckabee.

I don't think there is only one reason.

I think a lot of conservatives look at Romney and see a fake. No matter how many times Rush, Hannity, Dobson and the rest try to slam McCain and build up Romney, voters still see a guy who flipped on so many issues that they can't believe what he says and who he is.

Just this week, he flipped again on gun control. In December on Meet The Press, he said he would sign an assault weapons ban, but when being interviewed by the gun loving Reynolds on PJ Media, he says he would not sign any gun control legislation. The man does know his audience.

If he had campaigned as the expert on the economy from the start, he might have gained a more solid base, but he tried to become the social conservative. He not only doesn't have a history of being a social conservative, he has a history of being moderate to liberal on the issues.

It is very hard to see how Romney can stop McCain now, and he doesn't do well in what people would call red states.

The talk radio pundits are trying to push a bad product and the people ain't buying.

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