Friday, February 22, 2008

She must know better

I can't figure out how Clinton could attack Obama for plagiarism and then take a riff from Edwards.

I would think if you examined the words of any politician, you'll be able to find passages from their speeches that are very similar to someone else's. That's a given.

And Obama borrowed from a friend who happens to be one of his campaign's co-chairs, so it just is not a big deal. They're friends. They have each borrowed phrases and phrasing from each other, so who cares.

The attack on Obama did not resonant with the voters at all, so Clinton should have just dropped it. But she went after him again during the debate.

That would have been viewed as just a waste of time, but then she ends the debate with her big emotional close that gets the audience going and the pundits praising, but she took it from Edwards. What do they say about people in glass houses?

I don't think her lifting a line from Edwards is a big deal at all, and I don't think anyone else would have cared either, except she made it a big deal.

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