Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Geraldine Ferraro's Big Mouth

Old time feminist are having a hard time with Obama. I really don't believe they are racist, but I think they view politics and conflicts through a prism of sexism. It distorts everything for them.

Her argument is wrong for a number of reasons:

1) Every candidate is who they are in part due to what they are
2) You could fairly say Hillary is where she is due in a large part to her marriage (which in part is due to being a woman).
3) Her statement gives Obama no credit for who he is. Apparently he has done nothing for the past few months but people are voting for him anyways.
4) Hillary's failure to win the nomination at this point is apparently not due to anything she has done or how she has managed her campaign.

I have more reasons to disagree with her, but you get the point. It is sad.

True Conservative Values

As one who has been getting tired of the news obsession with the Spitzer story, I've been trying to figure out why this is such a big deal.

So my list:

1) It effects New York and the media thinks that anything that effects New York must be of interest to everyone.

2) We do love to see the mighty fall.

3) Spitzer's history of prosecuting prostitution makes this a Greek tragedy. That just adds to the delight of #2

4) Spitzer's enemies are going to scream for his head since he is vulnerable. Outraged talking heads give the 24 hour news shows something to air.

5) This plays into our preconceived notions for Democrats vs. Republicans. Republicans are just better with money. None of the Republican recent sexcapes have involved $5,000 call girls. Vitter hired prostitutes, but at a lower number. And Larry Craig just trolled the bathrooms looking for a free hookup. How can we trust Democrats with our hard earned tax dollars if they are so willing to overspend for illicit sex?

In other words, Republicans know how to get for more bang for the buck.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Obama as a blank slate

What Obama just ran into yesterday was the reaction to being a "blank slate".

People have been defining Obama as what they want. He admits that people put their hopes and dreams onto him since they just assumed he believed what they believed. He hadn't defined himself clearly enough. That worked to build his campaign.

So still being a relative unknown to many voters, this go around Clinton was able to start to define him negatively.

Clinton was able to get into voters heads that Obama may not be what they hoped.

If you start having doubts about an unknown, it is hard to vote for him.

Was it dirty? Might it hurt the Democratic Party this November? Yes to both questions, but it saved Clinton's campaign.

Obama can comeback from this easily enough. He has to start defining himself to voters and he will have to answer the charges. So that means he will have to find forums that allow him to explain his relationship to Rezko and the house/land deal. He will need to keep renouncing and denouncing Farrakhan. He will need to show his knowledge of foreign affairs. He will have to keep stressing judgement versus experience.

It will be interesting to see if Clinton stays negative or decides to change direction for a while at least. I think she would be foolish to not go negative again if she needs to.

And only be doing a better job of defining himself can Obama blunt that attack.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sympathy for Republicans

After numerous conversations with a variety of Republicans, I've reached the conclusion that there are a lot of miserable GOP'ers out there and I feel bad for them.

These people do not seem to share the sunny optimism of the Gipper or the can-do enthusiasm of the recently deceased Bill Buckley.

These people are just wimps.

They are scared of immigrants in general, and Mexicans in particular, Muslims, evolution, liberals, China, environmentalists, taxes (but not deficits), gays, socialists, blacks, Asians and intelligent discourse.

No wonder they always seem so angry. That's a lot of fear to put up with on a daily basis.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Little Boy Bush

I did listen to the President's press conference this morning.

When I hear the President talking, I can't help but get this mental picture of a 7 year old boy just getting off the school bus and eagerly telling me what he just learned in school. The 7 yr old wants show you how smart he is by explaining his new info to you. You have to be careful how you ask any question since he will only know what he was just taught, and you don't want to bust his bubble of excitement.

Another way to describe it would be "a mile wide, but an inch deep" but I think "a mile" is overestimating it.

I do think that no matter which major candidate running actually wins this November, we will be getting a leader who will actually understand the issues at hand. That's going to be a big upgrade.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

McCain's Adult Problem

Lots has been written about McCain's problems with the "base" of the GOP. These problems are over issues like immigration, campaign finance reform, tax cuts and so forth, but I think people are missing another big problem.

McCain wants to campaign like an adult. This means that he can disagree with his rivals without insulting them, without demeaning them, without questioning their intentions, their patriotism, their loyalty. He wants to have a rational national debate.

For too many on the right, this is almost as bad as saying you're pro-choice.

We saw this conflict come out into the open yesterday in Cincinnati. Bill Cunningham is just one of dozens of loud mouth, right wing talk show hosts who have a large audience that love their shtick of insults and rants. Cunningham has been on the local air waves for years and is also nationally syndicated on Sunday nights, taking the spot vacated by Matt Drudge.

His 10 minutes of brain dead ravings is normal for him. McCain's campaign could not have picked him without knowing this about him.

Now McCain has been trying to reach out to the right wing talk show audience, but has only had marginal success. The NYT attack on him was a big help in getting this audience to support him since the NYT is one of the talk show hosts' favorite targets.

But yesterday revealed the gulf between the adult approach of McCain's and the childish partisanship of the talk show hosts.

Cunningham goes for a no-substance insult fest and McCain feels obligated to apologize. Cunningham then goes on the air to attack McCain.

McCain is going to have a tough time appealing to the right wing talk show audience if he continues to take an adult approach.

They react more like the rabid fans of a college team. No more thinking about what they stand for, they just react emotionally to their rival. McCain is trying to have North Carolina fans recognize the worth of Duke fans, get Ohio State fans to appreciate the athletes of Michigan, Auburn fans to salute the worthiness of Alabama. It is tough sledding.

Hate and fear are hard to compete with.

Friday, February 22, 2008

She must know better

I can't figure out how Clinton could attack Obama for plagiarism and then take a riff from Edwards.

I would think if you examined the words of any politician, you'll be able to find passages from their speeches that are very similar to someone else's. That's a given.

And Obama borrowed from a friend who happens to be one of his campaign's co-chairs, so it just is not a big deal. They're friends. They have each borrowed phrases and phrasing from each other, so who cares.

The attack on Obama did not resonant with the voters at all, so Clinton should have just dropped it. But she went after him again during the debate.

That would have been viewed as just a waste of time, but then she ends the debate with her big emotional close that gets the audience going and the pundits praising, but she took it from Edwards. What do they say about people in glass houses?

I don't think her lifting a line from Edwards is a big deal at all, and I don't think anyone else would have cared either, except she made it a big deal.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

McCain vs. NYT

So is the real scandal the NYT is reporting on today that McCain was literally in bed with a lobbyist or is it the fact that he was acting too French?

So after being endorsed by the NYT, does an attack by them help him in the eyes of the rabid right?

Friday, February 15, 2008

Not landing the punch

I've noticed that every time Obama is attacked, he finds a way to turn that attack around. The Clintons' attacks that Obama's stance on Iraq was a fairytale or that he brings false hope have been co-opted by Obama. Now he uses those charges in his speeches for major applause.

For the last couple of days, Bill and Hillary are using the line that the Democrats need to nominate a candidate with solutions, not speeches. They've been repeating this basic concept enough to try and magnify a real issue in some people's mind.

I will bet you that we will soon find this "solutions, not speeches" idea coming back at the Clintons with a vengeance. Obama knows how to use a line like that.

And the funny thing is, almost all the time the candidates speak, they could be accused of giving us speeches, not solutions. Unless they want the crowd to fall asleep, no one gives a speech filled with policy details.

Obama's just so much better at giving a speech than any of the candidates this primary season, his opponents just have to try and turn his strength against him.

Watching Clinton stumbling around trying to land a punch in this campaign, I feel like I'm watching Sonny Liston versus Muhammad Ali (okay, I know he was Cassius Clay at the time).

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Value of endorsements

I heard that John Glenn endorsed Hillary Clinton, and I realized that I didn't care. It didn't have an impact one way or another on me. I like John Glenn. He is a true American hero several times over, but I believe that endorsements just don't seem to help Clinton as much as they do Obama.

Now, I don't think most voters tie their voting decisions to one person's endorsement, no matter how high profile. But Obama is still such an unknown to most voters that an endorsement gives voters more confidence that there is something really there.

Obama gets people's attention. He is such a gifted speaker, and his post-racial, post-partisan message is exciting, but some voters doubt what he can really do if elected. He doesn't have a track record of actual accomplishment, so an endorsement can add some substance to the concept that is Obama.

We know who Clinton is or who McCain is, so an endorsement from some pillar of their party just doesn't carry that much weight. I guess you can view their need for gathering endorsements as a rearguard action.

Hillary needs Glenn's endorsement so Barack doesn't get it, but that is about it.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Romney's Less than Super Tuesday

I've been reading The Corner this morning. There are a number of anti-McCain conservatives that post there so I wanted to learn how they viewed Super Tuesday.

I find it interesting that a number of them have decided that southern conservatives can't vote for a Mormon. None of the posts I read had any data to support that but they seem to think that was the only reason someone could vote for McCain or Huckabee.

I don't think there is only one reason.

I think a lot of conservatives look at Romney and see a fake. No matter how many times Rush, Hannity, Dobson and the rest try to slam McCain and build up Romney, voters still see a guy who flipped on so many issues that they can't believe what he says and who he is.

Just this week, he flipped again on gun control. In December on Meet The Press, he said he would sign an assault weapons ban, but when being interviewed by the gun loving Reynolds on PJ Media, he says he would not sign any gun control legislation. The man does know his audience.

If he had campaigned as the expert on the economy from the start, he might have gained a more solid base, but he tried to become the social conservative. He not only doesn't have a history of being a social conservative, he has a history of being moderate to liberal on the issues.

It is very hard to see how Romney can stop McCain now, and he doesn't do well in what people would call red states.

The talk radio pundits are trying to push a bad product and the people ain't buying.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Is Ann for real?

The short answer to that question is no.

Ann hasn't been a legitimate pundit for years. She is more like a professional wrestler compared to a real sport competitor. It's all about self-promotion, outrageousness and such.

I've wondered why anyone listens to her for more than comic relief.

I'm not saying she isn't smart. She has made millions with her act, and at some level she might even believe some of it. But it is an act.

When she appears on a show, that is a sign that the show is not serious about the subject at hand, but it is serious about entertainment and ratings. Like a professional wrestler, Ann ignites the passions of the audience. Either they want to cheer her on or boo her.

Pro wrestlers need the attention (positive or negative) in order to be successful, perform in large arenas and get the big paydays. If the crowd is apathetic, they end up wrestling in a converted barn in front of dozens.

With her bizzaro world logic of supporting Clinton over McCain, Ann is working hard to stay in the arenas.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Right wing off the deep end

I've always been amazed at the coordination of the right wing noise machine's message. And right now the meme they are pushing is McCain is so terrible,they would rather see the democrats get the White House and be responsible for the resulting carnage so the conservatives can ride back into DC on their white horses in 2012. That seems to be the united message of Rush, Sean, Ann, NRO and such. Though I believe there are some on the right who are not yet prepared to go along with that strategy. They have hope that Romney can still win or at least force a brokered convention.

I wonder what all of the reasons are for such a strategy. I can think of afew:

1) Rush, Fox News and such are seeing their ratings drop and figure that ratings would jump with a democrat in office they could attack.

2) They are seeing a base audience that is disillusioned after Bush. The right wing noise machine has had to "rally around our guy" a number of times over the past 7 years and they are losing their audience because they've had to go against their past "principles". With a liberal in office (hence why they like to label McCain as a liberal), they can go back to their tried and true formulas.

3) Access to power. McCain doesn't listen to them. He seems to think Tim Russert is more important to talk to then Rush. These guys want access for several reasons, and don't like being shut out.

4) Some might actually sincerely believe... Who am I kidding? It's always about power and money.

5) #4 might be too cynical. Some might have been reading from the right wing talking points for so long they have become fanatics. Think of them as being like the 14 year old boy in Pakistan who has only gone to school at a radical madrasah. That boy believes the lessons he has been told to such a level that blowing himself up for the cause seems reasonable.

Rush and his ilk now think that any compromise of their positions is treasonist. Yesterday I listen to Rush condemn McCain because he reached has reached across the aisle in order to get things done. That's how our government is supposed to work!!!

In their quest for purity, they are demonizing any who stray. This explains their contempt for Congress since a legislative body can only work through compromise. This also explains their love of a strong and growing stonger executive branch.

I don't consider these pundits to truly be conservatives. Conservatives value the Constitution and do not seek to undermine it. They value the wisdom of the Founders. They understand the value of checks and balances and the need for compromise.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Zelig candidate

I realized I didn't do a great job explaining what I think the key is to Romney's appeal to the right wing noise machine: he makes them feel they are being heard.

Access to power is the dream of most pundits. Actually having influence is almost too much to ask for.

Take a look at Romney's platform. This platform could almost have been written by the reactionary pundits that pose as conservatives. By that, I mean Rush, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and such.

So while Romney seems to listen to them and take their positions, McCain and Huckabee stick to their own philosophies.

It would be one thing if I felt that Romney was sincere, but I do not. YouTube has allowed me to watch too many Romney speeches from his past career to buy what he is selling now. He is like Zelig from the old Woody Allen movie. He morphs into whatever he needs to be in order to fit the situation.

He has packaged himself to be the candidate of the right leaning pundits and got them to spread the word. And even better, they act as his attack dogs.

McCain and Huckabee don't follow all of the orthodoxies, so the pundits don't like them.

I wonder how Romney will govern once he no longer needs them.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Romney as Clinton?

I think I've finally figured out why Rush, Sean, Ann and the rest are pushing so hard for Romney versus McCain.

I took some time to look at Romney's website. If only he would have chosen to be born again, he would be the perfect dittohead. His platform is a tailored fit to what the most popular conservative pundits have been asking for.

Why do I say "Romney as Clinton"? All through the '90's, we got to hear how poll driven Clinton was. This was normally part of an attack on Clinton. This was to make us see how Bill had no big vision, but would just deal with problems as they appeared, after consulting his poll data.

In some ways, that was Bush's 41 style as well. If you remember, GHWB struggled with the vision thing.

It appears that Romney is the same type of character. In Massachusetts, he needed to be a liberal on almost all social issues, so he was. For the presidential primaries, he needed to tack way to the right, so he did.

He would probably make a great Cabinet Secretary since someone else would provide him the vision, but I'm not sure he has what it takes to be the president.

Why Rush, Sean and the rest have decided to believe this current edition of Romney is real is a topic for another day.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Scorched Hillary

I think the term is "blowback". The Clintons' fired their almost Rovian message at Obama and hurt themselves instead.

Hillary is too tough and too organized to be destroyed by South Carolina's vote, but a loss this big can't just be ignored. And it will be the lead topic of discussion on all of the Sunday shows. The spin should be interesting to watch.

It's great to see the divide and conquer approach didn't work. In fact it did more than not work. Their strategy resulted in a unity of revulsion.

Maybe now Hillary will put a muzzle on Bill.

For a moment in New Hampshire (depending on your personal view), Hillary revealed a human side that connected with people. She got choked up about her fight to help America. That's the Hillary that needs to get out on the campaign trail right now. Of course, if you didn't like Hillary from the start, then you would believe Hillary acted like she was overwhelmed with her struggle to save America. And perhaps she only got choked up because she couldn't believe she was really being challenged and may not get the office she feels she deserves.

I like to think it was the former and not the latter. A genuine Hillary is a much more interesting and compelling candidate. I think America is tired of cynical manipulators and fear baiters.

Obama has the chance to be the transcendent figure he hopes to be. His speech tonight was the message that will help him became that hope.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Hillary's Scorched Earth Tendencies

Hillary's scorched earth tendencies.

Many have known that Hillary has that unique ability to heal the fractures in the GOP. David Frum made that point in the NYT's today. We've seen the poll data that shows how close a general election would be between Hillary and McCain or Romney.

What I never realized until recently is how Hillary is able to divide the Democrats. Over this last week, she and Bill have done a tremendous job of polarizing the Democrats' primary.

We've watched her and Bill lie about Obama's positions, lie about his past associations and so forth. This act has alienated many Democrats and Independents and is red meat for the Republicans.

So the key question is: can Hillary actually win in November with a divided Democrat Party up against a united Republican Party?

If she was running against W, I'd say she could win, but I don't think she can beat McCain or Romney if she continues to destroy her own party.

She needs to get Bill to be an advocate for her and not an attack dog. The former president doesn't need to be playing the role of James Carville. They have James Carville and others for that job. He needs to keep the message positive.

Words that have died

For several years now I've mourned the death of a word. This word used to have meaning but now it has been thrown aside and left to die. Only a few of us have noticed its passing. The word is "infamous".

The American Heritage Dictionary (via Answers.com) defined the word as:

Having an exceedingly bad reputation; notorious.
Causing or deserving infamy; heinous: an infamous deed

But now, you are either "famous" or you are "not famous". It's that simple.

There is no shame.

People do the ridiculous, the embarrassing, the mean, the petty and put their video on YouTube. Many think Paris put her porn tape on the net to boost her celebrity.

People shoot up malls just so they can have their name said on the news, whether they are still alive to hear it or not.

So take a moment today to mourn the passing of a once useful word that is no more.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

CNN Debate

Last night's debate was a lot of fun for pundits and conservatives, but it really was a bad night for Democrats.

I left that debate thinking Clinton was petty, Obama was defensive and Edwards was irrelevant. I did not feel pleased that I was probably watching the next president of the United States.

Clinton's attacks on Obama were mostly nitpicking. They made her appear small since she was the one bringing them up. Watching her try to defend misrepresenting Obama's past statements was just painful.

Obama's ability to bring soaring and uplifting rhetoric is wonderful, but he can't do that while having to defend himself against attacks, no matter how silly the attack. This debate made him look much more like a regular politician which is a victory for Clinton. Obama needs to handle himself better in situations like this.

Edwards ended up as the third wheel. When you have to fight with the moderator to get some air time, you don't look very presidential.

I also thought CNN let the debate degenerate to the level of a bad high school debate. I'm also getting so tired of panelist asking questions that are just silly, like asking Obama to respond to Toni Morrison's quote. His response was okay, but the question was just dumb.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Why must Clinton lie?

We all like to joke about the lying nature of politicians, but I still get angry when they lie to me.

I didn't like Clinton when he ran in 1992 because I did believe there was some truth to the rumors of his infidelities. I felt that if someone would risk his career, lie to his family and get others to cover up his lies for him, then there was no way I should be surprised he would lie to me.

I was right.

But I will say that the Clinton lies we are aware of pale in comparison to the lies the current administration tells. We're looking at misdemeanors versus felonies. Lies yes, but the scale is very different.

If I need to start to list Bush's lies for you, chances are you are a Bush supporter and have been able to dodge reality so far so I'm not going to waste time right now trying to enlighten you.

But what got me riled up of late is Clinton is back in the news with his lying ways. The man should realize that we have the Internet available to us. I don't need his smarmy misstatements to tell me about what Obama said about Reagan. I watched what Obama said and it is very different than what Clinton was trying to tell us.

It's strange enough to have a former president campaigning heavily for a candidate in the party's primary, but no one would expect him to do otherwise in this election. But why does he feel the need to lie to us about Obama?

I watched Obama and can see the large gap between reality and what Clinton said, so I'm supposed to believe anything else that Clinton says? He has a history of being a liar. He has a history of manipulating language to be deceitful. But this in your face lie that anyone can see for themselves is over the top.

Clinton is making it hard for me to even consider Hillary. She says he is an asset to her campaign and I think he has been at times, but right now he is doing nothing but reminding voters like me about what I didn't like about the Clintons during the '90's.

McCain and Obama might not be perfect, but they don't seem to be so shameless in their behavior.

Friday, January 18, 2008

The Big Tent

The Conservative Movement is a overarching title that people think means something but it really doesn't. Too many groups or schools of thought that are in direct conflict with each other think the descriptive applies to them.

The Republicans try to keep both religious conservatives and libertarians under the same tent but they couldn't be more separate in how they view the role of government. We are seeing that difference being drawn much sharper of late.

Huckabee's paternalistic view of government means a government that takes responsibility for its citizens' morality. That is an expansion of government that more than just Ron Paul supporters oppose. Many of the Founding Fathers would be against such a view as well.

I know that laws do in someway infringe on our freedoms, but that they are necessary for a society to function. So I'm not looking at this from a strict philosophical outlook but I'm looking at it more practically.

For example:

I've never understood the big fear of gay marriage. If a gay couple gets married, how in the world does that hurt my marriage? I don't see why people start foaming at the mouth at the thought that gays who love each other should be allowed to get married.

I don't think gays getting married threaten my children either. I don't want to live in a world where gays are forced underground and are persecuted, so if I want to live in a world where gays can live in the open, I need to discuss homosexuality with my kids. I have discussed it and we will continue to discuss it. It is not that scary to do. I don't think that my kids are going to become gay just because gays aren't being hung in the town square.

I think a lot of social conservatives are really driven by fear. They fear those who are different. Knowledge can often chase away that kind of fear but that takes effort. Just reacting to fear is so much easier.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Law of the Unintended

The catchphrase now is "change". The big three Democratic candidates (really big two, but I'll be more inclusive for now) can't stop talking about how they are the most pro-change candidate out there. The Republicans have to play the "change" game a little more carefully, but they still try to get the "change" word out there whenever possible.

Apparently voters feel things are so bad now, any change must be for the better.

I don't think that way. How many times have people sat in corporate meetings to hear about the latest and greatest new program? How many times have the new programs been wonderful changes for the better? Sure, sometimes they are, but too often, they just create a bunch of new problems to deal with.

I'm being pretty preachy here, but I just want people to dig just a little bit into what the changes are a candidate is proposing. The internet is great since you can go to their websites for particulars.

And remember one the the most fundamental laws of government at any level: the Law of Unintended Consequences.

Don't we learn?

Following politics is proving to be a great way to increase my stress levels.

If nothing else, these last 7 years should have taught Americans that who we elect to office does matter. I think if something matters, then you should give your decision some thought. I feel like I'm in the minority.

In 2000, we kept hearing that people liked Bush (and were therefore going to vote for him) because he seemed more likable than Al Gore. The phrase tossed around at the time was that W was the guy you would want to invite to your backyard cookout for a beer.

I have lots of friends I like having over to the house for a beer, but I don't want them in the White House so I'm not sure why that became a real reason to vote for someone.

Now people are talking about how Hillary's tearing up played a pivotal role in NH. Are you kidding me? People really changed their opinion on whether or not to vote for Hillary based on that? Clinton has been in the spotlight for 15 years. She's been running for the presidency for 2 years. How can people's opinion of her be changed by a tear?

I certainly understand why people would vote for Hillary, but I don't understand deciding to vote for her because she can get emotional.

The tearing up moment was supposed to be a window into her humanity. What does that really mean? If you didn't like her before, how the heck did that change it?

Sunday, January 6, 2008


Inertia should be the first law of psychology. Why is it so hard for people to change behaviors they know are self-destructive? Inertia.

Our minds resist change like a physical object resists change. It takes a lot of force to get something moving, but with physical objects, the force comes from outside the object. With people, outside forces can have an impact, but the bulk of the energy must come from inside.

That is hard for people to do.

I'm watching some people very close to me wrestling with this. Change is causing stress and under stress, people want to fall back onto those habits/behaviors that are most familiar to them. It's painful to watch and it makes it worse knowing that I can't do much to help.

I wish people could focus on the new behaviors as achieving a goal they really want, and get the energy to push through the stress, but that doesn't seem to work in the long run. They have setbacks and get down on themselves. Hopelessness or self-hatred take over. It's hard to get the energy for making positive changes when in the grip of that.

I know all I can really do is be there for them, and offer encouragement. I just have to hope that that is enough. It doesn't feel that way right now, but I can't let that stop me.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Since Bhutto's assassination, I've been seeing the lionization of Bhutto. She is being portrayed as the brave, self-sacrificing defender of Pakistan who died fighting for democracy and the poor.

Why can't she be remembered as she really was?

She did some good and she did some bad. You can admire her for her achievements as a woman in a Muslim country. But you shouldn't just ignore or brush away the stench of corruption that enveloped her during both runs as the Prime Minister.

Lionizing distorts truth.

In the US, we have lionized JFK, RFK and Martin Luther King. We turn them into saints and use them as such in debates.

There is no denying JFK and MLK did great things during their all-to-short lives, but we shouldn't put them on some great pedestal and pretend they were something other than just people.

I don't need to pretend that those I admire were faultless demigods. I don't need to put them at a level above humanity to appreciate what they have done. I think doing so cheapens them and and their legacy.