Friday, January 25, 2008

Words that have died

For several years now I've mourned the death of a word. This word used to have meaning but now it has been thrown aside and left to die. Only a few of us have noticed its passing. The word is "infamous".

The American Heritage Dictionary (via defined the word as:

Having an exceedingly bad reputation; notorious.
Causing or deserving infamy; heinous: an infamous deed

But now, you are either "famous" or you are "not famous". It's that simple.

There is no shame.

People do the ridiculous, the embarrassing, the mean, the petty and put their video on YouTube. Many think Paris put her porn tape on the net to boost her celebrity.

People shoot up malls just so they can have their name said on the news, whether they are still alive to hear it or not.

So take a moment today to mourn the passing of a once useful word that is no more.

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